Most people think of it as simply buying and selling online, but there’s a lot more to it than The “back end” which is a virtual maze of functions and operations.
E-commerce is extremely complex. Most people think of it as simply buying and selling online, but there’s a lot more to it than The “back end” which is a virtual maze of functions and operations. It involves dealing with a large number of people, vested interests, Technologies, and an astonishing range of marketing issues.
Rajesh Kumar is the head of e-commerce at RMC Gems, a major global distributor of high-end jewelry for leading brands and retailers. The company also caters to online buyers and custom jewelry makers. If you’re thinking that this is a very broad spectrum, you’re quite right. the bottom line is managing multiple spectrums of interest in what can be a core business environment.
Add to the list a very broad range of different types of gemstones, and you need a particularly broad skillset.
These skills include:
Marketing: Marketing in this case means multiple international markets, different market environments, different languages, multiple areas of demand, and a dazzling mix of different types of gemstones. Marketing in this field requires extreme expertise in knowledge of gemstones, all aspects of jewelry manufacturing, and other critical, fundamental practical issues.
Advertising: The gemstone market is extremely competitive, and advertising is a critical part of this very large-scale operation. Snow if you happen to be head of e-commerce for a company like RMC, It really is a major test of your skills on a daily basis. This work includes everything from photography and graphics to compliance with advertising laws, and much more.
Ecommerce and advanced e-commerce: At the corporate level, this type of commerce includes contract management for top brands, meeting demands, managing supplies and suppliers, “market forces” In terms of availability of source stock, and much more.
All of this is simply to get gemstones on the market and make them available for sale. The bottom line here is that this process must be extremely efficient, cost-effective and effective, and highly attractive to buyers.
The journey: Hands-on frontline experience
Acquiring these skills requires nothing more or less than practical experience. Training can only go so far. Real-world market environment experience is priceless. As you will have gathered, all this goes a lot further than ” learning-by-doing”. It’s critical to understand each market and its needs, work with the market and learn the languages of multiple areas of commerce.
RMC Gems is a huge operation, sourcing gemstones from around the world. Rajesh Kumar’s experience is based as much on hard work and market understanding as it is on technical and academic skills.
E-commerce management basics
As a manager, all these skills have to be applied to daily business on both practical levels and business levels. This is where Rajesh Kumar really has to be a jack of all trades. He has to understand the fundamental business environments, and assist with specific transactions, training, and managing real-time business.
With decades of experience, Rajesh Kumar is a true exponent of the realities of e-commerce.
An integrated approach to digital marketing, brand building, lead generation, & E-commerce. (MBR) Digital marketing consulting and e-Business service provider created by RAJESH KUMAR, a dynamic professional with over a decade of cross cultural experience in the areas of ebusiness, Digital Media Marketing, Online Sales & Project Management.
A Photographer
Does it matter where I’m from or where I live except for my ongoing thirst for capturing the perfect moment which never seems to satiate me.
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