Instagram converts @sushantsinghrajput’s account to a Memorialized account

Instagram converts @sushantsinghrajput’s account to a Memorialized account

Instagram converts @sushantsinghrajput’s account to a Memorialized account


Memorialized accounts are a place to remember someone’s life after they’ve passed away. Memorialized accounts on Instagram have the following key features:


No one can log into a memorialized account.
The word Remembering will be shown next to the person’s name on their profile.

Posts the deceased person shared, including photos and videos, stay on Instagram and are visible to the audience they were shared with.

Memorialized accounts don’t appear in certain places on Instagram, like Explore.

Once memorialized, no one will be able to make changes to any of the account’s existing posts or information. This means no changes to the following:

1.Photos or videos added by the person to their profile.

2.Comments on posts shared by the person to their profile.

3.Privacy settings of their profile.

4.The current profile photo, followers or people the person follows.



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Instagram converts @sushantsinghrajput’s account to a Memorialized account. Memorialized accounts are a place to remember someone’s life after they’ve passed away. Memorialized accounts on Instagram have the following key features: . No one can log into a memorialized account. The word Remembering will be shown next to the person’s name on their profile. . Posts the deceased person shared, including photos and videos, stay on Instagram and are visible to the audience they were shared with. . Memorialized accounts don’t appear in certain places on Instagram, like Explore. . Once memorialized, no one will be able to make changes to any of the account’s existing posts or information. This means no changes to the following: . 1.Photos or videos added by the person to their profile. . 2.Comments on posts shared by the person to their profile. . 3.Privacy settings of their profile. . 4.The current profile photo, followers or people the person follows. . . #sushantsinghrajput #RIPSushantSinghRajput . . . . . . . . . . . . . Follow – @MarketingByRaj : : #DeepikaPadukone #rheakapoor #everydayphenomenal #janhvikapoor #bollywoodstyle #bollywoodfashion #bollywoodactress #akashambani #akashloka #urvashirautela #ambani #ambaniwedding #anantambani #neetaambani #mukeshambani #mirarajput #filmybulletin #RoyalWedding #aishwaryaraibachchan #shilpashetty #bobbydeol #marketingbyraj #madhuridixit #thedigitaliving

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Rajesh Kumar is an Indian photographer, digital marketer, social media influencer, business development consultant, and PR expert. He is best known for brand building, digital media marketing, online sales & project management and affiliate marketing and has over two decades of experience as a digital marketer.