Fashion portrait of beautiful young woman in a summer dress…

Fashion portrait of beautiful young woman in a summer dress…

Fashion portrait of beautiful young woman in a summer dress...

Fashion portrait of beautiful young woman in a summer dress…
Captured by – Photography By Raj
Model : Gosia Kurowska
#fashion #model #girl #female #young #summer #beauty #jewelry
#spring #stylish #dress #jeans #style #posing #shopping #glamour #elegant #blonde #hair #vogue #lifestyle #beautiful #sexy #Sony #Sonya7RIII #woman #Earrings #Gemstones
Hashtag – #photographybyraj
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Rajesh Kumar is an Indian photographer, digital marketer, social media influencer, business development consultant, and PR expert. He is best known for brand building, digital media marketing, online sales & project management and affiliate marketing and has over two decades of experience as a digital marketer.