Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2020-2021

Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2020-2021

In pursuance of Prime Minister’s announcement, Ministry of External Affairs will be organizing the 3rd edition of the Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz for young overseas Indians (two categories i.e. PIOs and NRIs) and foreign nationals in 2020-21.

Register Today


Quiz Details

The registration for the Quiz is now open and a Mock Quiz is available for practice to all registered participants. The official Quiz rounds will start on 1 November 2020 and will remain open during the following time periods:

First Round (Welcome): 1 to 30 November 2020

Second Round (Qualifying): 7 to 13 December 2020

Third Round (Semi-final): 14 to 20 December 2020

Fourth Round (Final): 21 to 27 December 2020

The registration for the Quiz and Mock Quiz will close on 30 November 2020.

Topics for the Quiz

The following subjects will be covered for the Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz 2020-21. You may click on each to view helpful reading material and also take the Mock Quiz to familiarise with the Quiz. For the First (Welcome) Round, 5 topics will be covered: (1) Art (2) Economy (3) Geography (4) Indian Mythology (5) Science and Technology. For Second, Third, Fourth Rounds, all topics will be covered.

Disclaimer: The reading material available is for a participant’s reference. Quiz questions will not be limited to the reading material available below. This is only indicative and does not constitute the ‘syllabus’ of this online Quiz. Participants are highly encouraged to refer to other sources of information to prepare for the Quiz.



Rajesh Kumar is an Indian photographer, digital marketer, social media influencer, business development consultant, and PR expert. He is best known for brand building, digital media marketing, online sales & project management and affiliate marketing and has over two decades of experience as a digital marketer.